Every December comicsholidaysChristmasemployment Dec 13 Written By Brian Whitmarsh Huh. Why does it seem like the corporations need to make layoffs near the end of the year? Someone needs to make sure the C-Suite is on the naughty list. Getting too late for Christmas shipping, but I do sell merchandise at https://WonderDivision.Etsy.com. comicsChristmasholidayslayoffterminationsdownsizing Brian Whitmarsh
Every December comicsholidaysChristmasemployment Dec 13 Written By Brian Whitmarsh Huh. Why does it seem like the corporations need to make layoffs near the end of the year? Someone needs to make sure the C-Suite is on the naughty list. Getting too late for Christmas shipping, but I do sell merchandise at https://WonderDivision.Etsy.com. comicsChristmasholidayslayoffterminationsdownsizing Brian Whitmarsh